Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus (False SAE)

Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus (False SAE)

Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus (False SAE)
Latince Adı: Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus
Coğrafik Kökeni: Güneydoğu Asya
Beslenme Biçimi: Hem etçil, hem otçul.
Davranış Biçimi: Barışçıl
Kendi Türlerine Davranışı: Barışçıl
Yüzme Seviyesi: Taban ve orta
Cinsiyet Ayrımı: Erkeklerin ağzının kenarında dikenler olur ve bu dikenlerin sayısı dişilere nazaran daha çok sayıdadır.
Üreme: Akvaryumda ürediği görülmemiştir.
Sıcaklık: 24°C – 26°C
En Fazla Büyüdüğü Boy: 14 cm.
En Az Akvaryum Hacmi: 100 litre
Su Sertliği: Orta – Sert
pH: 6.0 – 7.0
Zorluk Seviyesi: 3 Genel

Genel Yorum: False SAE (Siamese Algae Eater) olarak bilinir. SAE’ye benzediğinden, çoğunlukla SAE olarak satılırlar. SAE’ye nazaran daha az yosun tüketirler.

False Sae’yi orjinalinden ayıran bir özellik daha; Siyah bant’ın üzerinde hafif sarı bir bant daha bulunur bu bant hayvan bir yaşına gelince daha belli olur. Aslında diğeri ile aralarında çok fark yoktur. Orjinal Sae’lere göre daha hareketli ve daha az saklanırlar.

Flying fox (fish)
The flying fox (Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus) is a Southeast Asian species of freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae. It is commonly kept in the aquarium trade. Among other foods, it is known to eat green algae. It is sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Siamese algae eater.

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The flying fox fish has a characteristic long body with a flat abdominal area. Its dorsal area has a coloration ranging from olive to dark brown. The lower half of its body has a yellowish white hue. A brownish-black line runs from its mouth to the caudal fin. On top of this distinctive black line is a gold-colored stripe. The eyes of a flying fox may have a reddish iris. Its dorsal, anal and ventral fins consist of a transparent front with a thick black band along the edge.

Although capable of reaching up to 6 inches (15.24 cm), flying foxes have an average length of 4.7 inches (11.94 cm) and are frequent victims of stunting in the aquarium setting.

In the aquarium
Tank requirements
A 40 gallon breeder tank or larger lined with fine gravel or sand substrate is suitable for an average-sized flying fox fish. Being bottom-dwellers, the aquarium for flying foxes usually has broad-leaved plants, rocks, and driftwood to serve as hiding places. Because the flying fox is a known algae-eater, adequate lighting is preferred. Flying foxes can survive in aquarium water that has a pH of 6 to 7.5, a water hardness ranging from 2 to 12 dH, and temperatures kept at 23 to 27 °C (73 to 81 °F).

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Being a peaceful fish when kept singly, flying foxes are generally compatible with acaras, angelfish, barbs, danios, eartheaters, gouramis, knifefish, loaches, tetras and rasboras. Aquarists may keep these fish alone or in schools, however a group of flying foxes may exhibit territorial behavior.

Life span
In the aquarium, flying foxes may live from 8 to 10 years.

Although algae eaters, flying foxes are also known to accept food in the form of flakes, wafers and tablets. Being omnivorous, vegetables such as spinach, zucchini and lettuce, as well as live planarians, tubifex worms, crustaceans and other aquatic insects are excellent staples for a flying fox. Oatmeal is sometimes accepted as well. They do not consume red algae.

Sex among flying foxes is difficult to determine, though as with most fish, mature females tend to be plumper and males more slender. Flying foxes are not known to breed in captivity.

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